Google Analytics Alternative This emoji text message can crash your iPhone - Tech Newz 24H

This emoji text message can crash your iPhone

You may think that crashing someones phone requires hacking skills. Well, that may not be the case if you are an iPhone user. If you feel like getting revenge on someone, doing a prank on your friend, or scare the hell out of your mum, you can do that by only sending them a text message. The receiver's phone will freeze and will not work until it has been restarted. In order to work, the text must be sent through the iMessage app and will work on the iPhone, iPad and Mac computer. The "prank" will work on the iOS 10, including the latest iOS 10.2  For security reasons, we will show you the text in a picture:

This has been confirmed as a kind of bug on the system, even though Apple hasn't officially commented about this bug and there hasn't been a patch or fix yet.

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