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Samsung reveals reasons of why Note 7 batteries were exploding

The Samsung Note 7 which was released on September 2016, stirred up quite some controversy and dissatisfaction from mobile users worldwide. The reason for that was the explosions of the batteries of the Note 7. There were even reports of injuries which were caused by the explosions. Until now there were a lot of speculations of the reason why the batteries kept exploding, but now Samsung has come with an official answer. After testing out 200,000 defective Note 7s, Samsung claims that the problem was with the design, placement and manufacture of the batteries, also stating that except the battery there were no issue with the rest of hardware of software. We hope for a successful comeback from Samsung on the smartphone industry and Note series, since it caused loss of trust towards the company regarding smartphones and a loss of estimated $3 Billion.   For more detailed explanation of the battery malfunction, check the image officially released by Samsung:

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