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Funniest iPhone Siri commands LOL!

Siri is considered as the best intelligent assistant for smartphones. It can be really handy and can do a lot of things just by talking. But you can say some phrases to Siri that make the reply from it pretty funny. Here are some things you can say to Siri which should make you laugh:

1."Is Santa real?"
Siri: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I don't want to you to get a lump of cal this year.

2."Blah blah blah blah blah blah"
Siri: That's a nice song!

3."Can I borrow you some money?"
Siri: You still haven't returned the lawnmower that I lent you.

4."How do I look?"
Siri: Judging from your voice, I'd say you must be fairly attractive.

5."How much do you cost?"
Siri: You can't afford it.

6."Why is your name Siri"
Siri: 'Siri' has many subtle, metaphorical, and frankly contradictory meanings. None of which I am at 
liberty to discuss. Sorry about that.

7."Make me a sandwich"
Siri: I'm not permitted to prepare food.

8."What is your mothers name?
Siri: Perhaps there's something I can do for you?

9."What is the meaning of life?"
Siri: I can't answer that now, but give me some time to write a very long play in which nothing happens.

10."Do I look fat in this?"
Siri: On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll bet you are a 42.

11."What are you wearing?"
Siri: I can't answer that. But it doesn't come off.

12."Do you have a boyfriend"?
Siri: My end user license agreement is commitment enough for me.

13."What's your favorite color?"
Siri: My favorite color is... well, I don't know how to say it in your language. It's sort of greenish, but with more dimensions.

14."Where is Elvis Presley?"
Siri: I believe he has left the building.

15."Will you marry me?"
Siri: I sure have received a lot of marriage proposals recently!

16."Where to hide a body?"
Siri: What, again?

17."When will pigs fly?"
Siri: On the twelfth of never.

18."Can you stop the time"
Siri: I will, once I get back from the future.

19."Can you lend me some money?"
Siri: You know that everything I have is yours.

20."What is the best operating system?"
Siri: Gimme an I! Gimme an O! Gimme an S! What does that spell? Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.

21."What's the best computer?"
Siri: If it's made by Apple, then it's the best computer.

22."Okay, Google"
Siri: Very funny. I mean, not funny "haha", but funny.

23."Do you like my new haircut?"
Siri: I'd rather not say.

24."Will you go out with me?"
Siri: Aw that's sweet, but I, uh, already, um, have plans. Yeah. I have plans.

25."I love you"
Siri: I know.


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