1."Is Santa real?"
Siri: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I don't want to you to get a lump of cal this year.
2."Blah blah blah blah blah blah"
Siri: That's a nice song!
3."Can I borrow you some money?"
Siri: You still haven't returned the lawnmower that I lent you.
4."How do I look?"
Siri: Judging from your voice, I'd say you must be fairly attractive.
5."How much do you cost?"
Siri: You can't afford it.
6."Why is your name Siri"
Siri: 'Siri' has many subtle, metaphorical, and frankly contradictory meanings. None of which I am at
liberty to discuss. Sorry about that.
7."Make me a sandwich"
Siri: I'm not permitted to prepare food.
8."What is your mothers name?
Siri: Perhaps there's something I can do for you?
9."What is the meaning of life?"
Siri: I can't answer that now, but give me some time to write a very long play in which nothing happens.
10."Do I look fat in this?"
Siri: On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll bet you are a 42.
11."What are you wearing?"
Siri: I can't answer that. But it doesn't come off.
12."Do you have a boyfriend"?
Siri: My end user license agreement is commitment enough for me.
13."What's your favorite color?"
Siri: My favorite color is... well, I don't know how to say it in your language. It's sort of greenish, but with more dimensions.
14."Where is Elvis Presley?"
Siri: I believe he has left the building.
15."Will you marry me?"
Siri: I sure have received a lot of marriage proposals recently!
16."Where to hide a body?"
Siri: What, again?
17."When will pigs fly?"
Siri: On the twelfth of never.
18."Can you stop the time"
Siri: I will, once I get back from the future.
19."Can you lend me some money?"
Siri: You know that everything I have is yours.
20."What is the best operating system?"
Siri: Gimme an I! Gimme an O! Gimme an S! What does that spell? Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.
21."What's the best computer?"
Siri: If it's made by Apple, then it's the best computer.
22."Okay, Google"
Siri: Very funny. I mean, not funny "haha", but funny.
23."Do you like my new haircut?"
Siri: I'd rather not say.
24."Will you go out with me?"
Siri: Aw that's sweet, but I, uh, already, um, have plans. Yeah. I have plans.
25."I love you"
Siri: I know.